Aerobic Games

CourseĀ  Objectives

o       Develop a basic understanding of the aerobic fitness through games.
o       Develop a basic understanding of the benefits of weight training.
o       Students will improve cardiovascular fitness through participation
o       Students will understand the relationship of target heart rate, training zone and cardiovascular fitness.
o       Students will identify the muscle groups used in specific lifts.

Performance Indicators

o       Participate consistently in aerobic game activities.
o       Demonstrate a proficiency in the following aerobic games: ultimate frisbee, team handball, gator ball,                      ultimate football and others.
o       Apply strategies during games.
o       Students will use personal record sheets to record their progress.

Standards Alignment

o       Standard 1- Competency and proficiency in movement forms.
o       Standard 2- Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.
o       Standard 5- Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
o       Standard 6- Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity                    settings.

Technology Standards Alignment

2.      Make informed choices among technology systems, resources and services.
8.      Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research,                 publication, communication, and productivity.
9.      Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving and decision      making            in content learning.
10.     Collaborate with peers, experts and others to contribute to a content related knowledge base by us                             technology to compile, synthesize, produce and disseminate information.

Student Assessment

o       Teacher observation
o       Written test
o       Student log
o       Partner assessment

Student Activities

o       Guided instruction
o       Plyometrics
o       Muscle charts
o       Partner assessment
o       Small games
o       Target Heart Rate and Recovery
o       Technology Standards Alignment
o       Performance Indicators

Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

Applied Learning Alignment

ELA Grade Span Expectations
Mathematics Grade Span Expectations

Common Core of Learning